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Picture Profile Dj_edited.png
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  • DJ

  • Music Curator

  • Event promoter

  • Founder "Babylon list"

  • Creator  "Hola Dubai radio


Since he was very young, Dj Tommy Luna showed interested in everything related to art's, both in music and in the coordination of events and shows. Being these two pasions the reason for his professional development during the last 25 years. 


He leverages his passion and experience in music and technology to create the Babylon list, a company which helps venues that do not have a resident DJ but believe the music is a key component to create the right atmosphere and keep their business growing. Babylon List provides different music channels adapted to the needs of each client with just one click.


In an altruistic and non-profit way, he created the radio station "Hola dubai" which promotes Spanish music  

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Concert Crowd
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